PC-Progress HYDRUS 2D/3D Pro v2.04.0580
New Features in version 2.04 of HYDRUS 2D/3D (compared to version 2.03)
New Features and Changes:
The new HYPAR module. HYPAR is a parallelized version of the standard two‐dimensional and three‐dimensional HYDRUS computational modules.
The new Slope module. The module analyses the stability of generally layered two‐dimensional soil slopes including the presence of water modelled using the pore pressure automatically imported from HYDRUS results.
The on‐line deactivation no longer requires a password.
HYDRUS can automatically check for new updates (using pc‐progress.com website) and informs the user if an update is available.
Fixed Errors:
Boundary surfaces of internal solids (solids in solids) were incorrectly included in domain boundaries (boundary conditions).
Several other minor errors (see History of changes in HYDRUS 2.xx)